Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!

As another year comes to an end and a new one begins I've spent a lot of time reflecting on ... well, you. Nine months old now. Starting to walk. You took 5 unassisted steps that made your daddy and I very proud and a little sad. You're growing up so quickly. 24lbs and 30inches now. I hope 2013 brings lots of joy for you, even though you won't remover it years from now. We love you!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

1/2 a year later ...

It's been (a little over) 6 months since we first heard you cry and my how you have changed! A list of the milestones just so we have them

4 months: Rolling over both directions, getting up on all fours (but not sure what to do next), 2 teeth
5 months: Up on all fours rocking, Sitting without support
6 months: Crawling (you started this on your 6 month birthday), pulling up

and today (a week shy of 7 months) you started cruising down the furniture and me.

It's crazy how different of a person you are. You're best friend (sorry, I hand picked her for you) was born a few days ago and just seeing the difference 6 short months makes.

(Madison, 6.5 months; Charlotte, 3 days)

We've been busy teaching you how to use your large and small muscles, grasp, stand, crawl, talk. There's been many things you've taught us along the way. The most important lesson I've learned is that clocks don't matter. We'll get up when we get up, we'll leave when we leave, and we'll get there when we get there. Schedules are over rated. Not to be cliche, but stop and smell the roses - or feel the grass beneath your bare feet, or lick the wind (my favorite thing you do), or just look out a window like you've never seen what's on the other side before, because for you, you never have. I think you've been good for you Dad too. He's been more patient, kind, and forgiving. He thinks about things differently, we both do. Before saying or doing, we ask ourselves if it's something we want to teach you. The presidential debate is in full swing these days and while you hear all the time "Which candidate would be good for your child's future?" I've taken a more, "Which candidate would I want my child to learn to be like?" approach.

As always, we love you. You are the love of our lives and I do not know what I would do without you around.

One more, because you're just too darn cute!
(Your first bubble bath - I tell you only because I'm sure you'll do it and feel awful, as a you survived - this picture was taken seconds before you face planted into the bubbles. I felt awful! Dad was taking the pictures, he is not to blame.)

Alright, 2 more.

Mommy's sassy girl!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sun, Sand, & Sea!

We're nearing the end if your first beach trip, an introduction to the outer banks. The only thing you didn't love was the heat (112 on some days). You loved the sand under your toes, the warm sea water, the sound of the waves, and most of all driving on the beach. (We cheated and let you sit on mommy's lap and look out the front windshield - you smiled and looked around the whole time!). And we can't forget pool time with daddy!! I think you may be our little sea monkey after all. I can't wait to bring you back next year when you'll be running around. It's been a great trip. And we've worn you out.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Little Bit Every Day

Every day you get a little older. And I say older because it's more than bigger and physically capable. I can tell how much your think more and know more every day. Now at 6 months, you have 2 perfect little teeth (that you've had for 2 months now) and seem to be working on more, you can sit up all by yourself (except when you get excited!) and are working sooo hard to crawl, but you have decided that learning to sit from all fours is more important these days. Your father and I love you more than we could have ever imagined. Your personality has blossomed 10 fold. And there is nothing better in a day that your kisses.

We decided to start giving you more than mommy's milk. So far, you're not a big fan. But we'll keep trying, and you have such a good time making a mess that I can't deprive you of that.

You are the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without you.

P.S. - You still eat 3 times a night, so when your babies don't sleep through the night, don't worry. You do what's best for your family.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

An oddly placed lesson

4 months huh? You're already becoming our big girl. A tooth has appeared and you have been taking it surprisingly well. There are a few days here and there when you're not so thrilled with the prospect but for the most part it's been happy baby girl.

Yesterday we took you to meet your great grandma Marcia. The last of the great grandparents to meet. Your dad and papa had you laughing up a storm. I missed it. But it always makes me happy to hear you've may someone else's day. That will always be. One of the greatest joys in life is making someone else happy, never forget that!

Funny how someone so small reminds you of the big things in life.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Leaps and Bounds.

You'll be 3 months this week. The time really has flown. And in the last few days you've learned so much. You're almost rolling over both ways, just can't quite figure out what to do with those arms. And you've realized that your hands are scrumptious little treats. I've reluctantly returned to work, and despite the rejection of bottles you did fabulous while I was gone. In Ali think you may have this 'night is for sleep' thing down. It amazes me that I love you more every day. And just when I think I couldn't love you any more, I do.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Whats In a Name?

Madison Rene

We came to it pretty quickly. Quickly meaning in a matter of a few weeks. Your father wanted you to have a middle name with meaning, not one chosen from a book. That is how you inherited Rene. Madison was little trickier. It was among a list of names when we decided to look at meanings. "Daughter of a great warrior." Your father was sold, Scott the Great Warrior. So it stuck, Madison Rene it was.

And the other name ...

The Brave Toothbrush

Yes, my toothbrush is brave these days. I only get a shower about every other day, when someone is home and you'll allow it. And it is usually during these showers that I realize I had not brushed my teeth ... since my last shower. Don't get me wrong, if I have company or am leaving the house the teeth get an emergency cleaning, but other than that my day revolves around you, and you don't care if mommy's breath stinks.

The Boobie Debate

I am hoping by time you're having children this will be a long distant memory and breastfeeding will be commonplace. But right now it's a topic divided.

I am currently nursing you, though it was a hard road. I tell you this not to make you feel bad or get sympathy, but so that when the day comes you'll know that I truly do know the struggles and challenges. This is one topic you shouldn't right mom off on. There were times I hurt so bad I cried while feeding you but I was determined and I'm singled I stuck with it. Today it's the best part of my day (and now we can't get you to take a bottle).

All over the country people are arguing wether it should be done in public, for how long, and who it benefits beyond a year. I hope that research and common sense prevails over the closed minded opinions.

Breastfeeding has become the most amazing thing I have every done (second to birthing you). My milk, and my milk alone, is sustaining your ever growing little body and mind. It is pretty amazing to think about. I hope we can continue this until you decide your don't need it any longer. 

Welcome Home

Forty-eight hours on the nose we were allowed to carry you to the car and take you home. Forty-eight hours because that's how long they made us stay. We were getting no sleep and wanted home.

So the time finally came and we pulled out the adorable newborn outfit we chose to bring you home in and... It didn't fit. Not even close. So we chose another one. To be honest I can't remember what we did bring you home in. I do remember being nervous to put you in a scary moving car with all those other people on the road. And still am everyday. (Remember that when I freak out on you because you let your friends drive you home.)

We got you home and that's when I realized that everything I thought I knew about raising a child was, well, challenged. One by one you made me break every "rule" I had. You slept in the bed with me (and will for the rest of your life if I can help it), I held you constantly, and I get particular about everything involving you.

If nothing else, you have taught me and your father what's important in life. Sleep, apparently is not top on your list.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

She's a Redhead!

On March 29th, 2012 I learned how hard parenting could be, and I still had no idea.

That was the day you were born. Perfect and pink with a great set of lungs. It didn't happen the way your father and I had envisionedu. As you probably know by now I like to have the illusion of control and that day I had none. Your nursery was decorated and perfect, clothes cleaned and going home outfit chosen. We were ready, or so we thought.

We decided to speed your entry into the world a little after an ultrasound estimated you at 8 1/2 pounds and we still had a few weeks to go. That coupled with the fact that you had been trying to get out since week 34 and we tried to keep you in, only to realize you decided you were going to wait it out then. (I even tried mowing the lawn, something your father was very happy about, with no results. I'll let you find that picture one day.)

So March 28th your father treated me to an amazing meal and we headed to the hospital. Anxious and excited, scared, having no idea what was about to happen. They started things going around 5am the next morning and at first all was great, progressed lovely, pain wasn't too bad. Fast forward 10 hours ... No progress. Ten hours of unmedicated labor with no progress. Turns out your head just wasn't going to fit through my pelvis. So surgery it was.

"She's a redhead" 6:52pm ... your first cry. Daddy followed you to the bassinet for them to clean you up and check you out and you immediately grabbed his finger and wouldn't let go. He talked about that moment for days, weeks. He fell in love instantly. Then they laid you on my chest and I knew there was never going to be another moment that I didn't want to be holding you. You were perfect. Pink. Beautiful blue eyes. Hints of red hair. "She's a red head" was yelled before they even confirmed you were a she. Nine pounds, 13 ounces. 21 inches long.

The next few hours, days, weeks kind of became a blur. In the hospital it was chaos. Visitors, doctors, nurses. They heard a murmur in your heart so tests were ordered to confirm it was a normal thing that would go away. All I wanted to do was hold you, kiss you, and sleep.

But I had to share you with your daddy. Only fair since I had you all to myself for 39 weeks.

So it's been 10 weeks since that day. Your still our perfect little angle. We couldn't ask for more. It hasn't always been easy, but it has been fun and exciting and nerve raking. Everyday you learn something new and amaze us.

And Then There Was One

I've created this in order to keep a record for my new baby girl, Madison. I attempted at a journal but failed. So here goes nothing.