Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome Home

Forty-eight hours on the nose we were allowed to carry you to the car and take you home. Forty-eight hours because that's how long they made us stay. We were getting no sleep and wanted home.

So the time finally came and we pulled out the adorable newborn outfit we chose to bring you home in and... It didn't fit. Not even close. So we chose another one. To be honest I can't remember what we did bring you home in. I do remember being nervous to put you in a scary moving car with all those other people on the road. And still am everyday. (Remember that when I freak out on you because you let your friends drive you home.)

We got you home and that's when I realized that everything I thought I knew about raising a child was, well, challenged. One by one you made me break every "rule" I had. You slept in the bed with me (and will for the rest of your life if I can help it), I held you constantly, and I get particular about everything involving you.

If nothing else, you have taught me and your father what's important in life. Sleep, apparently is not top on your list.

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